available for outcall lmk qv160 hh180 hr200 text only thanks - 29
Posted : Wednesday, April 21, 2021 07:10 PM
❄❄❄🤤🤑😜 im Ena ❤30❤ years young.
sweet, sexy, full of fun, down to earth,
talkative when lit lol, a good listener, I do party, silly (your gonna laugh
with me) got a good heart and honest (i get more from being honest then i do
from stealing lying hidding or manipulating💯)
i want nothing but good vibes so if ur negitive or have bad intentions plz
stay away far far away otc plz n ty...but i do have a few rules and i know they
may sound negative but honestly just trying to be as up front as possible and
get straight to the point...so here they are plz read them even if it seems
long for u to read cuz if u fuck up ur cut off permanently in a heart beat...
⚠your required to send a face pic⚠i will not meet with out getting one from u
first. i ask for a face pic to see if i am able to keep u company so there is
no way around it💯 (side hustle or not I cant just set visits with anybody i
still got standard, sorry not sorry🙅🤷💁)
i only send 1 pic but only after i received your face pic.
⚠IMPORTANT⚠💵 rates: incall qv100 hh160 hr200 outcall qv120 hh180 hr220
non-negotiable please do not ask for anything lower I am firm on my donations.
I take any lower requests as an insult and will block u and put u on my shit
list. donation is to be given with out me having to ask u know whats up dnt
make me say it, and i will not do anything with out it first! i may have
slipped up in the past but now if i dnt get mine first u will never even get to
touch me idc what sob story u give.
i dnt see anyone for fun or personal if we meet know this is strictly
business yes we may chill and party i got no problem with hanging out chilling
vibing but I will always need mine no matter how long Ive known you or how
cool we are no excuses or exceptions
📵 no phone calls no acceptance dont like phone calls I get anxiety with
them I can never understand whats being said or I cant hear correctly so I
end up telling you to text me anyways so lets skip all that negativity and
just text me from the start. text two1 0📱 nine two 0 📲nine one🤳 4 one 😘
bare is NOT an option! protection is a must every time. i do perfer you
provide but i will always have incase i forgot happens
greek is a EXTRA 100 roses on top of reg visit so thats a minimum of 200
roses for a visit with dnt ask for anything less already letting u know now i
wont so dnt waste our time ✌
no car dates at all i usally have a room or i can go to u there is no need
for me to be in a uncomfertable car seriously
🔞 plz no one under 23
i dont do discounts, specials, ious, and no excuses my rates are
non-negotiable (pay me in cash even cashapp but short me or get over on me u
will pay in damages)(side note to those who got one over on me baby dnt think i
forgot u im just patience😏 u wont see it but evil n ruthless does look so hot
and sexy on me maybe thats y im so great at it 😘 🤤 but plz dnt make me act up
i prefer to be sweet and kind with a little bit of sarcasm
💋no kissing on the mouth thats a firm NO with no if and or buts about it!
first slip i will end the session and you will not be refunded🙅
📷🎥 plz no pics or videos are to be taken
🙅no relationship seeking i have no want nor need fr feelings im easy to get
along with and im sweet n nice but dnt let that mix u up. my heart belongs to
my kids so i have no room in it for a man and i have no time for a actual
relationship plus i dnt plan to stop my hustle and if ur gonna let me hustel
ill never respect u just being honest. 💔
if any rule is broken session will end with no refund and you will be added
to my SHIT LIST Witch means u will no longer get any of my time (i do have a
special list of ppl i will no longer see plz dnt do anything to be put on that
list once ur on it u can never be removed)
🥊disrespect will not be
i do this on my time u can not and
wil not question my timing i say when and if im available nobody else🦋im the
only one whos going to say how where when i hustle and fyi idk where some of
yall get off acting like im obligated to set something up just because u text
me no im not i do this of my own free will so I CHOOSE who i see. just
a helpful tip the happier you keep me the more satisfied I will make you but
plz keep in mind no
relationship seeking fr im not doing all that this is no love feelings its a
chill vibe a happy time lets make sure to keep it that way cuz i will cut u
off please dont make it come to that.
💕💋im looking fwd to meeting
you and making you happy and and satisfied, and to make it easier these are
the 4 things u need to let me know 1. send a face pic 2.incall or outcall 3.
how long u would like my company 4. location or eta (incall hosted at a motel
currently by 410 n 90)...
the faster these 4 are answered the more chance u have meeting me cuz it is
fcfs unless prior appointment was agreed-upon...so text me
already baby ill be waiting 💕💋💮
• Poster's age
• Mobile :
• Location : 410 n marbach
• Post ID: 3642850693